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Doctorate Research establishes Method in lay terms to reveal metaphysical aspects of elements of the Periodic Table: elemental data points are found to contain codified information which, decodified by a specific Method, establishes pointers to specific sets of Bible Scripture in ways which explain why elements have specific uses in compounds and processes, and holds the keys to predicting future uses, with example.


For the non-lay, the Method conforms to Wittgenstein's 3rd Postulation method to resolve differences between Faith and Science on topics such as Creation. Results conform to principles of hermeneutics, contextual integrity, scriptural consistency, and enjoy numerous verification methods to include a control group which precludes coincidental or bias being a factor. This represents countless ways science, industry, and faith can profit/benefit: endless opportunities.




Select and open this image in a new tab, to print it for evan-gelizeing of the Society. Our goal to establish a safe and secure, low-cost, and self-sustaining intentional com-munity on a deeply rural farm or ranch. It will be based on tiny homes, RV, and dormer life styles, with centralized services. To learn more, or become a member, visit


H. Michael Sweeney

TCOM, the Christ-based College of Metaphysical Studies is one of the Society's sponsors, offering free and discounted degree programs for Society Members. TCOM enabled Mr.Sweeney to obtain his Ph.D. in Divinity, and facilitated his research for his Thesis, which presents the Method.


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