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...references the 'invention' of author H. Michael Sweeney, Founder of the Society... a method (the Method), which reveals a hidden code within data points of the Periodic Table, akin to how Bible Code appears to reveal coded information within the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament. It can benefit Science, Industry, as well as theology students and professionals.


The Method reveals that each of the many data points (i.e., Atomic Weight, Covalent Radius, etc.) of an element can be decoded, to point to specific Bible Scripture. EACH resulting passage relates to a select SINGULAR Bible persona, spiritual concept, or Christian theme... and identifies one or more SPECIFIC traits of said theme which can also be found present within the element... accounting for how and why the element behaves in Science.


Impact: 1) can resolve the differences between Science and Faith on crea-tionism and historical matters; 2) it may help resolve often bitter differences between the three great Abrahamic faiths, and bring peace to the Middle East; 3) it may enable Science and Industry to learn even more about the elements and how they can be used; 4) it may speed new discoveries or aid in evolving/resolving new theory; 5) it is quite educational in Science and Faith


A patent application is in works, and therefore, detailed presented here is limited, but examples of results will be shared in blog form, one example at a time (a 'Post'). 


There are OPPORTUNITIES for custom software to automate use of the Method by Science, Industry, Faith, and students of either, or customized for in-house use by research groups. 100% of any license fees or any offer to acquire the patent will fund the Society and/or scholarship programs in Divinity at the College of Metaphysical Studies, where Mr. Sweeney obtained his Ph.D in Divinity, on such a program.

Q.&.A  You ask, we answer, and more

The Free Will Society is both the Sponsor and the Benefactor of elements.and.scripture.

The Society's NPO seeks to aid severely impacted stalking victims and homeless veterans in symbiotic roles.

We could use your financial support and Membership, and we do have a couple of Board Positions to fill.

If you or anyone you know is or has been a stalking victim, please use the form below to request a free Helps Kit, or call 360 268 7090 (speak loudly, slowly, and clearly - hearing impaired)  SNAIL: PO 288 Westport, Wa 98595


decoding.the.elements? a Blog Page where information about the Method of decodification will be shared. The primary intent is to illustrate the Method's reliability and flexibility, and to show why computerized versions will be of great value to scientists, theologians, students, and others.

elements.we've.decoded? a Blog Page where one element at a time will be pre-sented to illustrate the Method's actual use, and how the decodified results can become analyzed for usefulness by science, industry, education, and those of faith. 

Posted comments and answers to questions will appear at page bottom

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Image: Astrophysicist and Commentator on the PBS series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, Dr. Niel Degrasse Tyson. Public Giphy.

Comments, Questions, and Answers

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Q: How can I learn more?   

A: Many ways: a) You can ask a specific question using the form, above; b) you can email us as shown, above; c) you can watch a 30 minute video which goes into more detail on how it came to be discovered, its viability, flexibility, and especially, opportunities it creates for developers, and users in science, industry, education, and, of course, theology.


Q: How is the possibility of bias or coincidental matches, or errors, given the volume of data, addressed?   

A: Many ways: a) A Control Group of random data reveals that random numbers cannot produce results, but only numbers taken from Science's measurements of the elements as associated with the Periodic Table. While this eliminates the possibility of coincidence, the results of the method itself produces several forms of cross-verification that the results arrived at are indeed the only correct and intended results. This it does time and again, with consistency not possible unless the starting data of the Table were intended by God to contain the needed codification, and collectively, these cross-verifications speak to the confidence level that bias does not play a role. The various steps of the process, itself, act as kinds of step-wise tests along the way; a mistake or deviation at any level causes failure. Only after discovering and correcting the error, one is able to proceed to good results. The process is further self-validating in that process and results obey principles of Hermeneutics, Bible inerrancy, contextual integrity on the Scriptural side, and can be confirmed through Wittgenstein's principle of the 3rd Proposition, which addresses the differences between Science and Faith while simultaneously verifying the accuracy of Scientific data. Even the results among individual elements self-confirm when considered against the results from other elements, with respect to their uses in compounds, and processes, the very aspect of the Method which holds the potential to reveal new uses and discovery by Science and Industry.


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